The Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition of Arizona
In this session, we will examine the core psychoanalytic foundations of infant and early childhood mental health practice: the unconscious, object relations, defense, transference, and countertransference. These ideas deeply informed the work of Selma Fraiberg, whose classic paper "The Ghosts in the Nursery," (Fraiberg et al., 1975) established what have become the essentials of infant mental health practice. Though we may not use these terms in everyday practice, their relevance has not diminished with time. Indeed, given the pressure faced by practitioners and families alike, these ideas have the potential to help us understand some of our greatest challenges. This training will address competencies required for ITMHCA Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health.
The cost is $60 for members and $80 for non-members
Members of Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health states may attend the ITMHCA educational offerings as an Affiliate Member, at regular member rates. You must provide the state and member number.
Arietta Slade, Ph.D. is Professor of Clinical Child Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, and Professor Emerita of Clinical Psychology at the City University of New York. An internationally recognized theoretician, clinician, teacher, and researcher, she has written widely on reflective parenting, the development of parental reflective functioning, and the implications of attachment and mentalization theory for child and adult psychotherapy. Click here to read full biography.
This workshop will cover the core principles of Reflective Supervision (RS) and their application to common supervisory dilemmas. The goal is to deepen supervisors' knowledge and skills in reflective practice as a component of trauma-informed systems. RS is a relationship-based supervisory approach that has been found to reduce staff turnover, enhance professional competence, and reduce secondary traumatic stress. This training will address competencies required for ITMHCA Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health.
The cost is $60 for members and $80 for non-members
Members of Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health states may attend the ITMHCA educational offerings as an Affiliate Member, at regular member rates. You must provide the state and member number.
Dr. Vilma Reyes is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco in the Child Trauma Research Program. Since 2009, she has been providing Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) services, training, clinical supervision, consultation and coordinating community-based mental health outreach services and evaluation.
The Parent Development Interview (PDI; Slade et al., 2004) is a semi-structured clinical interview that invites parents to describe their child, themselves as parents, and the parent-child relationship. It has been validated across a number of samples and has been used widely in research across the US and Western Europe. In this first of two webinars, we will introduce the PDI and describe its use as a measure of parental reflective functioning or mentalizing. We will use transcripts from a broad range of parents to examine the following questions: To what extent are they able to envision their child's thoughts and feelings? How are their experiences of the child disrupted by their own defenses and struggles to reflect? This training will address competencies required for ITMHCA Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health.
The cost is $60 for members and $80 for non-members
Members of Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health states may attend the ITMHCA educational offerings as an Affiliate Member, at regular member rates. You must provide the state and member number.
Arietta Slade, Ph.D. is Professor of Clinical Child Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, and Professor Emerita of Clinical Psychology at the City University of New York. An internationally recognized theoretician, clinician, teacher, and researcher, she has written widely on reflective parenting, the development of parental reflective functioning, and the implications of attachment and mentalization theory for child and adult psychotherapy. Click here to read full biography.
This webinar is the second in a two-part series on The Parent Development Interview (PDI; Slade et al., 2004). In this session, we will explore the clinical uses of the PDI. In what clinical situations can the PDI be useful? At what point in treatment can it be administered? What are its potential uses in guiding treatment? How can it be useful in identifying areas of concern? How can it be useful in identifying areas of strength and ports of entry? How can it be used to build a cooperation and collaboration between parent and clinician? We will use transcripts and case illustrations to explore these questions. This training will address competencies required for ITMHCA Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health.
The cost is $60 for members and $80 for non-members
Members of Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health states may attend the ITMHCA educational offerings as an Affiliate Member, at regular member rates. You must provide the state and member number.
Arietta Slade, Ph.D. is Professor of Clinical Child Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, and Professor Emerita of Clinical Psychology at the City University of New York. An internationally recognized theoretician, clinician, teacher, and researcher, she has written widely on reflective parenting, the development of parental reflective functioning, and the implications of attachment and mentalization theory for child and adult psychotherapy. Click here to read full biography.
Please note: Each training session must have a minimum of 10 people registered 48 hours prior to the training date. If this minimum number is not met, ITMHCA reserves the right to cancel the training. All Registrants will be notified of any cancellations.