The Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition of Arizona
Resources in Cultural Competency, Trauma Informed Care, Reflective Supervision
Telehealth Service in Infant Mental Health Home Visiting [PDF]
Bright by Text
Bright by Text provides quality information and trusted resources to parents and caregivers of children prenatal to age eight. Available in English and Spanish; the messages are comprised of research-based content from Bright by Three and partners such as PBS, Vroom, and Sesame Street.
Brazelton Touchpoints Center
The Touchpoints Model is a training program for multi-disciplinary professionals. Its goal is to provide them with skills and strategies with which they can build alliances with parents of children aged zero to three. The Touchpoints framework focuses on key points in the development of infants, toddlers and their families.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundation for Learning (CSEFEL)
This five-year project will support a national center to help Head Start and Child Care programs identify and implement practices with demonstrated effectiveness in promoting children’s social and emotional competence. The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a collaborative initiative of the Child Care and Head Start Bureaus. The goals of the Center are designed to strengthen the capacity of Child Care and Head Start to improve the social and emotional outcomes for young children. The University of Illinois will partner with a consortium of universities and early childhood organizations including the University of Colorado at Denver, the University of South Florida, the University of Connecticut, Tennessee Voices for Children, and Education Development Center to carry out the goals and activities of the Center.
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child
The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child was created to extend the work that culminated in the publication of From Neurons to Neighborhoods (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2000). The ultimate goal of the Council is to enhance the early development of children through the design and implementation of effective public and private policies and programs. Based on its belief in the value of sound and accurate science as a foundation for enlightened action, the Council will serve as a credible knowledge broker by translating research findings for multiple audiences and identifying evidence-based strategies to guide social policies, professional services, and parenting practices.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a nationwide membership organization of early childhood educators and others dedicated to improving the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade. The website provides information on accreditation, early learning, resources for both parents and child care providers, and early childhood education policy.