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The Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition of Arizona

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The Infant/Toddler Mental Health Coalition (ITMHCA) is a voluntary 501c(3) organization that was established in 1995 which promotes the understanding that infancy is a critically important period in psychosocial development. Therefore, equally critical is the collaboration of professionals from local, state, and nonprofit community-based organizations to work toward policy and social change for the benefit of Arizona's youngest children and their families.

Optimal health and development for all infants and young children through safe and nurturing relationships.

Promoting the wellbeing of infants, young children and their families through advocacy, community relationships, education and professional development.

Support a system that provides access to comprehensive infant mental health services from trained and qualified practitioners in community based settings.*
*Arizona Infant Mental Health State Plan, 1995

ITMHCA provides infant mental health and child development training and offers a professional endorsement to individuals from a variety of disciplines who work with infants and toddlers. A bi-annual Institute brings high-quality infant/toddler mental health speakers and workshops to the Southwest.

Optimum infant mental health is that "Goodness of Fit" between the infant and his or her environment and parents, guardians or caretakers. This "goodness of fit" allows for emotional growth and development demonstrated by:

ITMHCA serves as a forum for interdisciplinary exchange, education and collaboration in service delivery in order to impact policy and social change for the benefit of Arizona infants and their families.

Position Statements:

Statement For Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion - A Statement For Collective Healing (PDF file)

Staff-child Ratios and Group Size Regulations for Child Care Centers Serving Infants and Toddlers (PDF file)

Universal Behavioral Health Assessment for Young Children Removed from Parental Custody Position Statement (PDF file)


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